Governor Cuomo Announces Viatran Expansion in Western New York

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that Viatran, a worldwide manufacturer of industrial measuring instruments, will create 72 new jobs and retain 55 full-time positions as a part of its $1.5 million facility expansion in Erie County. Located at 199 Firetower Drive in the Town of Tonawanda, the expansion project is being supported by $600,000 in Excelsior Tax Credits from Empire State Development and will bring the company's total employment to 127 people.
"Western New York continues to grow its 21st century economy by attracting business expansions and high-tech innovation throughout the entire region," Governor Cuomo said. "Investing in Viatran's expansion supports the creation of good-paying manufacturing jobs, strengthens the economic climate of Erie County, and delivers a stronger community for residents of all ages to live and work in."
"The expansion of Viatran is another step toward Western New York's future where advanced manufacturing replaces heavy industry," Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul said. "This project complements the investments made to create jobs and boost the economy in the region. We're continuing to attract and retain businesses and expanding high-tech educational opportunities to help meet the demand for a skilled workforce."
The renovated 24,000-square-foot facility provides additional space for research and development, lean manufacturing cells, and the use of state-of-the-art test and measurement equipment to produce sensors and transmitters. These products are used in the creation of oil, gas, specialty metals, pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, as well as for automotive and aerospace testing. Viatran's expansion further supports the Western New York Regional Economic Development Council's strategy for leveraging the region's assets in advanced manufacturing.
Viatran has been an innovative leader in manufacturing pressure and level transmitters for more than half a century. The company is known for solving the most difficult pressure measurement challenges in the most demanding environments. Many of the company's products are delivered both in and out-of-state, including to local customers MOOG and General Motors.
Empire State Development President, CEO and Commissioner Howard Zemsky said, "A new facility, an expanding customer base and the addition of high-quality jobs all add up to a success story for Viatran in Western New York."
Viatran Corporation President Kevin Cornacchio said, "With access to production facilities located around the world, Viatran was especially pleased to be able to focus our expansion here in Western New York. While there are a lot of attractive places to invest, we concluded that no other location could match the talent pool that we have here. In the short time since coming to an agreement with Empire State Development, we have already filled 15 new positions and are well ahead of schedule for our employment targets. As we look to the future of our workforce, we are confident that our growing relationships with UB and the Charter School for Applied Technologies will ensure the ability to bring on the skilled workers we will need."
Senator Chris Jacobs said, "Viatran's commitment to their Town of Tonawanda facility is further proof that Western New York can succeed in attracting and maintaining high-tech manufacturing jobs and investment. I am pleased that state assets like the University at Buffalo and the Excelsior Tax Credit program are continuing to promote our region's economic resurgence."
Town of Tonawanda Supervisor Joseph Emminger said, "Viatran is an international company that could have chosen any location in the world to expand but after careful consideration they made a major investment in a new facility in the Town of Tonawanda. We thank Viatran for recognizing that Western New York is a great place to do business thanks to our experienced and dedicated workforce. We are most appreciative of the addition of dozens of high tech jobs in the community."
Thomas A. Kucharski, President & CEO of Invest Buffalo Niagara said, "Viatran's decision to invest in Buffalo Niagara and substantially increase its employment is a testament to our region's top-class workforce in the high-tech manufacturing and sensor technology sector. We were thrilled to successfully make the business case for Buffalo Niagara to beat out some very competitive locations."
To learn more about Viatran visit:
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